Wednesday 4 December 2013

Microsoft Genuine Advantage - Updated Crack v4.0 Released !!!

Thanks for all the wonderful feedback and the useful information shared.
I do apologize for missing on one of the fail safe that MS had implemented in their latest WGA release, causing the logon and tray notifications to reappear after reboot in some cases.

The "access denied" issues have now been taken care of for good. The files in use will be replaced/removed on reboot automatically now. I fixed that, so that the notifications won't reappear even after the reboot.

MGA Crack v4.0 [psswrd:SupremoPhantom] has been updated to include installers and uninstallers for both WGA v1.9.40.0 and OGA v2.0.48.0.

Please note that I do all my testing on "US-English" language machines ONLY. If you are using the crack for any other language machine, the test result for OS identification will detect XP as a Vista x86 machine, which is OK. This is normal behavior, so please do not worry. The crack would still work.

ALL detections by any anti-virus are "false positives". The anti-virus products detect the packing tool used as a virus, the contents however are safe. You can safely disable your anti-virus temporarily and re-enable it after crack installation.
Also, this crack is NOT for WMP11 or Defender or Steady State. Please read my comments in my previous posts to find their crack.

Please ensure to read ALL my previous posts and comments. They contain answers to majority of your queries.

Till we meet again ... :-)

Cheers and Enjoy !!!

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