Wednesday 4 December 2013

How to apply the patch ...

OK, I am back.

The big question, is there any order to apply the patch. Well, actually, it is the obvious order. You need to patch the files becoz the one on the system will not allow you to work.
They come on the system when we try to get the online updates.

So, yes, the answer is that we first need to let microsoft download the files on our system.
Once downloaded, we can replace the files with the cracked versions of the same.

As far as I know (and have tried and tested successfully myself), the user has the option to deselect the genuine advantage notification tool from the list of updates to be downloaded. You can set it as not to be downloaded and not to be shown in future required downloads as well.

Try it and let me know if you still need help.

Cheers and Enjoy !!!

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