Tuesday 24 December 2013

Lavasoft Removes Ask Toolbar Inquiry

Winchester73, a long-time and respected member of the security community spent many years providing hour upon hour of his personal time devoted to helping users of Ad-Aware. He posted an inquiry at the Lavasoft support forum specifically directed to "urizen", the online name used by Nicolas Stark.

Unfortunately, I did not think it necessary to make a copy of Winchester's question to urizen. In hindsight, I see that would have been a good idea. Although my subscription to the topic still exists,

the post has been removed from

Unlike the days when Lavasoft had a reputation for hiding/removing questionable topics from their customers' view, hoping that would end the issue, Ad-Aware users have other means of obtaining information today, evidence this blog post.

20Jan08 Edit Note:

Someone provided me with a screen capture of Winchester73's inquiry to urizen. As is obvious from the image below, the post was certainly not inflammatory or negative.

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