Wednesday 4 December 2013

How to apply Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) CRACK

OK, I know they say replacing a file which is in use by windows isn't easy.
But I guess its just me who won't accept "NO" for an answer.
You know, IMPOSSIBLE says I 'M POSSIBLE. :-)

So here, I continue my promise to make things as easy as possible for you.

For any file that is not willing to get deleted coz windows is still using it,
use this Unlocker to instantly free the file from use and replace or delete it.

Once installed, its just as simple as, right click and choose unlocker and select unlock to remove all linked applications using that specific file/folder. Great tool.

Thats all there is to it. Remove the "in use" factor and replace with the files provided.
Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) is now CRACKED.
Go ahead, and download the updates from the Microsoft Update as normal.

Cheers and Enjoy !!!

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