Friday 20 December 2013

Wanted: Parties Responsible for Conficker

Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) announced today a $250,000 reward for information that results in the arrest and conviction of the responsible parties who illegally launched the Conficker (Downadup) worm on the Internet.

Microsoft additionally announced a partnership with the following organizations to "implement a coordinated, global response to the Conficker worm:
ICANN, NeuStar, VeriSign, CNNIC, Afilias, Public Internet Registry, Global Domains International Inc., M1D Global, AOL, Symantec, F-Secure, ISC, researchers from Georgia Tech, the Shadowserver Foundation, Arbor Networks and Support Intelligence
From Microsoft Collaborates With Industry to Disrupt Conficker Worm: Microsoft offers $250,000 reward for Conficker arrest and conviction:
“The best way to defeat potential botnets like Conficker/Downadup is by the security and Domain Name System communities working together,” said Greg Rattray, chief Internet security advisor at ICANN. “ICANN represents a community that’s all about coordinating those kinds of efforts to keep the Internet globally secure and stable.” “Microsoft’s approach combines technology innovation and effective cross-sector partnerships to help protect people from cybercriminals,” Stathakopoulos said. “We hope these efforts help to contain the threat posed by Conficker, as well as hold those who illegally launch malware accountable.”

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