Wednesday 4 December 2013

Microsoft's latest release of their New Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool: CRACKED! How to do it, now made easiest ... just for you !!!

Hello again !!!

Did you miss me ? Oh I know you did.

I realised that woking with the policy edior or the registry for that matter is not an easy cup of cake for the majority of users out there. In fact, its risky and fatal if you goof up, which you are bound to if you are not a techie genius. So now, I decided to go ahead and serve you the cup of cake that you are looking for.

Use the tool to disable this Add-On in the simpliest way possible ...
as simple as a click on a button.

NOTE : This tool is for stand-alone systems running Windows XP Service Pack 2 only.

Just run the tool and copy the Class ID into the box (and when I say that, I have already told you how to find out the Class ID for the Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool, please refer to my previous post for the details on how to find out the Class ID for any Add-On installed on your system). Now click on the following buttons:

Block this Add-on (Group Policy - Current user)
Block this Add-on (Group Policy - All Users)

A sample screenshot of how the application looks like:

Thats it, and VOILA !!! Microsoft's latest release of their New Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool is now CRACKED !!!
Now you can go ahead and update windows as normal.

Cheers and Enjoy !!!

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