Wednesday 25 December 2013

Windows Vista Security Blog Returns

Following a lengthy absence, Austin Wilson announced today that The Windows Vista Security Blog is Back with a promise for regular posting again. Also included was a link to the newly published whitepaper, Security Enhancements in Windows Vista™, described as including
information about security enhancements in Windows Vista and how Microsoft used the Security Development Lifecycle to increase the security of the Windows operating system.
Too much to handle right now? No problem. The references have been bookmarked for you to find later in Vista Security Features under "Security-Related Topics".

Now if some influence could be extended to the "Related Product Teams" linked there, we could see some real customer communication provided. Except the IEBlog Team which has been consistent, not much has been seen from these Microsoft Team blogs:

User Account Control, System Integrity Team, Anti-Malware Team, BitLocker™ Drive Encryption, SmartCard Infrastructure, Windows Authentication Team, Network Access Protection

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