Wednesday 15 January 2014

Windows Installer CleanUp Utility

Are you unable to remove a particular application from your Windows XP system using the 'Add/Remove Programs' control panel? Microsoft has created a utility called the 'Windows Installer CleanUp Utility' that is designed to remove these troublesome programs. Althought there is a catch, they had to have been installed using the Windows Installer. This utility will remove the installer information, files, folders, another related objects that are use by this program.

To install and use this utility:
  • Download the utility from the Microsoft Download Center.
  • Run the installer (msicuu2.exe), and answer the questions in the install wizard.
  • From the Start menu, under All Programs launch the 'Windows Installer CleanUp Utility'.
  • Select the application from the list that you want to uninstall and press the Remove button.
For more information, see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base Article (290301)

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