Wednesday 15 January 2014

Repairing the WMI (Advanced)

The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), is an API for performing certain system actions or getting information on how well your system is performing. Sometimes the WMI can get corrupted, and you will get an error like 'Windows Management Instrumentation might be corrupted.'

To find out if the the WMI is broken, from the Run... command type "wmimgmt.msc" press the OK button. This will launch the WMI console, if you get an error message when doing this, there is a good chance that your WMI is broken.

There are two ways to repair this problem, perform in an place upgrade by reinstalling Windows from the Installation disk. You can also try to force the WINMGMT service to re-register itself:
  • Open the command console, type "net stop winmgmt". When you get the warning that other services need to be stopped type 'Y' and continue.
  • Open 'My Computer' and then go to the folder '%SystemRoot%\System32\WBEM\Repository' and delete that folder.
  • Reboot your system.
  • After you login, open the command console, and type the following commands in order:
    • winmgmt /clearadap
    • winmgmt /kill
    • winmgmt /unregserver
    • winmgmt /regserver
    • winmgmt /resyncperf

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